Dental Implants

Dentist in Kirkwood, MO

Dental Implants - Kirkwood, MO

Many of us, at some time in our life, will lose a tooth. Reasons we lose a tooth are:

  • Cracked tooth from stress
  • Untreated gum disease
  • A large cavity
  • An infected tooth
  • Extreme tooth wear from stress.
Dentist in Kirkwood, MO

Why replace a missing tooth with dental implants?

As we age, it can become more difficult to maintain excellent oral health like when we’re younger. This can lead to tooth loss, and can even turn into infections as teeth fall out.

Our teeth are more vulnerable to decay as we age. There are two reasons for this. First, our mouths are more prone to bacteria that can cause decay and infection. Second, our gums become thinner and recede, which makes it easier for the bacteria to enter the mouth. This can lead to tooth loss, gum disease, or even oral cancer.

Losing a tooth can cause the entire face to change – teeth can become jagged or crooked, holes can form where teeth were, or the jaw bone may shrink. If you lose a tooth, the best thing to do is to see your dentist right away to get an examination and information about what your options are.

Some of us actually have one or two adult teeth that never form, causing a space where there should be a tooth. When we have a missing tooth, oftentimes we want to fill the space.

Are dental implants the best replacement option?

Options to replace a missing tooth are: a partial denture, a bridge resting on the nearby teeth, or a dental implant. Often, the best option is a dental implant because it is most like a natural tooth.

Dental implants are the most popular way to replace missing teeth because they provide a secure anchor for replacement teeth. They can be made of metal, porcelain fused to metal, or ceramic. This makes them more comfortable than dentures and bridges because they act as tooth root substitutes.

Dental implants are also a popular treatment for tooth loss due to a number of benefits. The procedure is safe, effective, and can restore your smile with a natural look. They must be placed in the jawbone to grow into place and create an anchor for replacement teeth.

Implants are the perfect solution for those who have lost teeth and are looking for a replacement. They are titanium teeth that sit in your bone, just as a natural tooth does, and they are covered by gums. Implants function the same way as natural teeth, but they last much longer! The benefits of a dental implant are: it cannot get a cavity, it is easy to clean around with normal brushing and flossing just like with a natural tooth, and it feels natural.

Getting a dental implant is a great way to replace a tooth, or teeth, that have been lost. They allow someone to eat and speak just like they did before. Dental implants also cannot get cavities. They are easy to clean around with normal brushing and flossing like a natural tooth. It feels natural and looks like a real tooth.

If you have a missing tooth, we can evaluate you with advanced technology (a 3D scanner) and, if you are a good candidate, we can provide implant treatment for you. We would be happy to be a part of helping you get your teeth back.

Dentures and bridges can be uncomfortable and require a lot of upkeep. Dental implants are the most natural way to replace missing teeth because they provide a secure anchor for replacement teeth.

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